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Get The Most Out Of Your Mornings

It's early. It's dreaded. It's a Monday!

When it comes to mornings, it is near impossible to perform the famous movie waking scene, looking already great and as fresh-faced as ever. We all have that one thing that we can't handle about early rises: I know for some it is getting out of bed that's the hardest (it definitely is a pain!) but for me, it is the rush to get ready that really gets me! If I oversleep, snooze a liiittllee bit too long or just don't plan my time well enough before school and leave the door with no breakfast, a hastily packed bag and lunch, I just can't get into a positive mindset to prepare myself for the day ahead.

So, how can we begin to get the most out of our mornings?

I think the simplest answer is to start doing things that make us look forward to mornings and not the other way round. What ever you like to do most on a Saturday or Sunday (besides sleeping in) make time for during the weekdays.

For me, this is making sure I have a fulfilling breakfast, and time to relax. Whether it's with a magazine like the one above, and of course a tea or coffee, this really eases me into the school day. If you love to watch a bit of TV or the news at the weekend, make time for this, even at 6am - it also gives you a chance to wake up at your body's own pace and not through the bright lights of a classroom or office.

The downside is that this DOES mean setting my alarm a good 20 minutes earlier, but it is so worth it! I don't do this every day, especially not a good idea if you're a nightowl and had minimal hours of sleep the night before, but as often as you can and feel like it.

Not just should you set your alarm for earlier, but a little motivation doesn't hurt either! It may sound too simple to work, but find a quote you find really inspiring and set it as your lock screen. The second your eyes hit your phone in the morning (which let's face it, is the moment you wake!) you are gently presented with a few kind words to get your day going, and to fill your mind with positive thoughts. Pinterest has a good bunch of these: see here for some morning quotes you might warm to.

Lastly, just concentrate on the day ahead of you and not yesterday or the day after. It's easy to be caught up in your burdens but if they're for tomorrow, then leave them there, take the day as it comes! The morning can be the worst time to shine, but do a loved one a favour, spread some kindness, anything that puts a smile on another's face. Feeling good about yourself is a good way to begin the day, and what works for me is spending an extra 5 minutes to do my hair, or choose an outfit I love.

Finally, and probably the most important, if you get a chance to sit down with your family for breakfast and talk you feel like you're morning is whole. Families are often so busy in the morning going about their separate ways, but making a little time for eachother can lift your mood immensely :) This is the key to taking the day in, and if you start it confidently, it will last for the rest of the day ahead!

I am in no ways an expert on what to do but I really think all of the listed above help me to start my day off great! The morning-remedy comes if you figure out what you love to do on a Sunday morning and seeing if you can squeeze it into one of your Monday dawns. Try not to be put off by the early hours on the clock, and say to yourself "Today will be a good day", even if it's the last thing you believe in!

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